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Speaking & Credibility: A Reminder from a Horseman

It’s been a while since I’ve worked a trade show booth, but I got the opportunity this weekend at the Pet Lover Show in Abbotsford.  

How did this come about? Well, when I’m not working I can often be found horseback riding, and I recently starting working with a new trainer, Jay O’Jay. He just relocated from Alberta where he is well known and has a great reputation and credibility, but is now trying to make a name for himself in BC. We bartered a deal where he would train my horse and I would help him with marketing.

I work with many professional services firms, and when it comes down to it, horse training is a professional service. This trade show reminded me of the true power of speaking and presentations when it comes to credibility and fast-tracking prospects through the buying process.

Jay O'Jay Trade Show BoothThe trade show booth was strategically placed across the aisle from the round pen, where Jay was scheduled to do a horsemanship demonstration each day. He couldn’t be in two places at once, so I volunteered to man the booth – and had a great view of the demonstration.

Well if there is one thing Jay is, it’s an entertainer. He’s one of those people who can immediately grab the attention of the audience, pepper in some humour and get the audience clapping and rooting for him. All the while, he manages to get across the key points of his horsemanship program, and why he’s different.

Jay O%27Jay DemonstrationThe demonstrations each day were standing room only. The audience was laughing and clapping, and afterwards they swarmed the trade show booth. Jay had accomplished in one hour what usually took several emails and phone calls, followed by a consultation.

To get someone to purchase your product or service, you need to move them through the buying process. Once they know you exist, you have to get them to like and trust you. Then, they need a low risk way to try your product or service out themselves. And only then will they buy.

How Speaking Can Expedite the Buying Process

What Jay’s demonstration reminded me of is how speaking and presentations can expedite this process. In one hour, Jay had moved his audience right through his buying process. They liked him, they saw him as an expert, and they got to see (or try) first-hand how he works with his horses. Most importantly, he was able to overcome the trust barrier that is so crucial in professional services – why should we believe that you can do what you say you can do?

This was the first year for the Pet Lover Show in Vancouver, and at first we weren’t really sure they would be our target audience. After all, it’s a general pet show for cat, dog and horse enthusiasts alike. Well were we every pleasantly surprised. Following the demonstration, the people who came to the booth owned horses and needed help. And they knew Jay was the one to help them. They no longer needed proof and the discussions turned scheduling.

Don't Put Speaking on the Back Burner

In professional services, we know that speaking is one of the best ways to get – and convert – qualified leads, but not all of us love speaking so it often gets put on the back burner while we concentrate on “easier” marketing stuff – all that stuff we’re more comfortable doing.

Jay O’Jay’s demonstration (presentation) at the Pet Lovers Show was a great reminder of just how powerful speaking can be, and why we must make an effort to include it as a key part of our professional services marketing plans. It was also a great reminder of how important it is to really hone our personal presentation style and skills.

Where Should You Speak?

I encourage you to take some time and attend a presentation in your industry. It might just inspire you to get back on that podium. If you're wondering where to speak, consider your industry associations (and local chapters), business associations or chambers of commerce. They all need speakers and if you can come up with some topical subjects that will really help their membership, they will be glad to have you. Or, you can set up your own speaking session. 

Marketing Doesn't End at the Speaking Session

The great part about speaking in today's age of online and social marketing, is that the power of your presentation doesn't end with that audience on that day. You can keep them momentum going and expand your audience through your website, blog and social channels. With Jay's demonstration we tweeted about it the day of, and immediately posted pictures on Facebook. The pictures have more than 30 likes and multiple comments. We took video of the demonstration that we can put up on YouTube and a blog post and article is in the works.

These are just a few of the examples of how you can leverage your speaking session into additional marketing and credibility opportunities.

They Marketing Hourglass and the Buying Process:

For more information on how to attract prospects and move them through your buying process, download a copy of our free eBook, the Marketing Hourglass:


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