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Why Your Social Media Success Depends on E-mail Marketing

describe the imageSo where does social media fit within your overall marketing plan? At Duct Tape Marketing, we like to talk about building a total online presence in 7 steps. You might be surprised to find that sequentially, we put email marketing ahead of social media. Why?

John Jantsch just published a great post on AMEX Open Forum outlining why your social media success depends on email marketing.

Essentially, without a solid foundation to build on, a content plan (and actual content!) in place, and and an "email strategy to convert through", you will be:

  1. Wasting time on your social media efforts (because you need a strong content foundation to have something to amplify) and, 
  2. Have little opportunity for return (because email marketing is important to convert your prospects). 

I know you've heard all the noise about email marketing being dead, and no one wanting to receive emails anymore.

However, the facts are that people subscribe to your email list because you offer something they want to know about, and an "engage email list, with people eager to hear from you, according to John, "is the most valuable asset you can build."

Don't know where to start?

In the full article, John outlines an email success road map and a 10-step email lead capture plan that you can put in place right now on your website. 

You can also ready more about email marketing and how it fits into building your total online presence in our free eBook:


small business internet marketing presence


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