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Inbound Marketing Process Infographic

Last week I published a post on the 7 essential steps to building your inbound marketing system - well today the Pinterest gods delivered to me one of the best inbound marketing infographics I've seen to date (and there are a lot of them!).

I particularly love these call-outs:

  • "Marketing is an investment in the growth of your business - not an expense". The final explanation as to why marketing is cut everytime there's a business hiccup.
  • "An effective website is the hub of all your online marketing and lead generation". That's right. Your website is not a brochure. If you can't update it yourself, if you have to call your developer every time you need to send out a blog post, if you don't HAVE a blog.... then you need to move your website to a content management system - like WordPress. There are people who can help you with this at a minimal expense - and believe me - it is worth it.
  • "A blog gets you 55% more traffic." So to those of you out there who say that no one wants to subscribe to your blog or read it every day - you're probably right (although it's still worth aspiring to!) - but they will FIND your posts when searching on Google - and therefore find you. 
  • "Convert traffic to leads". Love, love, love the graphic chart in this section - please scroll down and take a look. Not everyone who visits your site is ready to buy - this chart shows you how to capture leads at EVERY stage of the buying cycle. 
  • "Convert leads to sales". Another simple but powerful statement. Powerful because it's the stage where most marketing drops off. Why? It's labour intensive to set up the process in the first place - but once it's set up as part of your marketing system - you can rest assured that as a small business, you're likely way ahead of your competition. **Disclaimer** we are a HubSpot agency... but... as a relatively convert to HubSpot I have to say that as a small business myself, their software really makes this process so much easier. However, there are many free and low-cost tools you can set up yourself at a minimal cost that aren't integrated, but still effective.
  • "Measure everything". You'd think this would go without saying, but it doesn't. So.... measure everything!

So here is my new favourite infographic (kudos to the people at Impact Branding and Design)- enjoy and share!